Light is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal to create life. We are able to harness light and use it to our advantage through the process of photosynthesis, where sunlight is used to convert water into oxygen and sugar. This process allows us to live off of the sun's energy and survive. However, this is not without consequences. In order to sustain ourselves, we need to consume food that takes a lot of resources to produce. As a result, we are consuming more than what nature can provide.

 In this video, I'll explain how light is doing time travel. More specifically, how the speed of light is slowing down over time. Citing Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, scientists believe that the rate of time slows down as objects move closer together.

 I will then show how this has been applied to the cannabis plant, allowing us to grow plants in any location using only natural sunlight.

 Finally, I've included some real-world applications of this understanding from around the world to inspire people to get involved in making their own change.

   The light we receive from the sun comes to us through electromagnetic waves that are emitted at different frequencies, depending on what wavelength they have been created at. These wavelengths can be grouped into three categories – red, orange and yellow, green, blue and violet. Each frequency has its own unique effect on our body. Red light stimulates the production of melatonin, which helps regulate sleep cycles. Orange light increases alertness and activity levels, while yellow light promotes restful sleep. Green light is known to increase energy levels, especially in people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Blue light is associated with increased focus and creativity, whereas violet light is linked to mood stability.


      Light has been used to heal people since ancient times. In fact, many cultures have used light to treat illness and injuries. There are even some who believe that light can help us live longer.

 In this video we discuss how light can do time travel. We explore the history of light and its impact on our lives. We also talk about how light works and understand how it affects us at a molecular level.