1. Avoid direct sunlight

 The sun's rays are harmful to your plants. They can cause damage to leaves and flowers. If possible, place your plants under natural light.

 2. Keep humidity high

 Humidity helps prevent mold and mildew from forming on your plants. You should keep your indoor environment at around 60-70% humidity.

 3. Use a good quality fertilizer

 You need to use a fertilizer that contains balanced amounts of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, B, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, Ni, Se, and Fe. These elements are needed for healthy growth.

1. Avoid using any pesticides or fungicides that may harm your plants. This includes insecticidal soap sprays, oils, alcohols, etc. These chemicals can cause damage to the leaves, stems, flowers, roots, and buds. They are not only bad for the environment but they can also hurt your plants if used improperly.

 2. Use a good quality fertilizer. There are many different types of fertilizers out there, each with their own benefits. Some fertilizers contain high levels of phosphorous while others have higher amounts of nitrogen. If you do decide to use a fertilizer, make sure to choose one that has been formulated specifically for cannabis.

 3. Keep your plants well-watered. Watering your plants too much can lead to root rot and other problems. Make sure to keep the soil moist at all times but don't let them sit in water.

 4. Don't over-water. A healthy plant needs to be able to breathe through its leaves. When your plants start to look droopy, this means they need less water.

 5. Check your air circulation. All plants require proper ventilation to prevent mold and mildew from forming. You should check the area where your plants are located regularly to ensure that there isn't stagnant air.

 6. Clean up after yourself! After harvesting your plants, make sure to clean up the area around them. Remove any debris that could potentially harbor pests or diseases. Also, wash down your tools and equipment before storing them.

1. Avoiding over watering your plants! If you are constantly overwatering your plants, they have no chance to dry out before being re-watered again. This can lead to root rot.

 2. Don't let your plants get too hot! Too much heat causes stress to the plant. When temperatures rise above 90 degrees F, the plant's ability to convert sunlight into energy decreases drastically.

 3. Keep away from direct sun light! Plants need direct sunlight to produce their own food and grow properly. However, if they receive too much sunlight, they may become yellowish and weak.

 4. You should water your plants at least once a week! Watering helps keep the roots healthy and prevents them from drying out.

 5. Make sure that you use fresh potting soil! Old soil has been around long enough to contain weed killer residues and other chemicals that could harm your plants.

 6. Do not fertilize your plants! Overfertilization is bad for the health of your plants.

1. Avoid using pesticides

 Pesticides are chemicals that kill insects. They have been used in agriculture since the early 1900’s but today they are widely considered to be harmful to humans.

 2. Use organic fertilizers

 Organic fertilizers are based on natural materials like compost, manure, and other byproducts from animals. These fertilizers are made out of ingredients that can be broken down by microorganisms into naturally occurring elements that are beneficial to the plants.

 3. Water your crops well

 Watering your crops regularly helps them stay healthy. Don't let them go dry, especially if you live in a hot climate where water evaporates easily. Make sure to keep the soil moist at least until the seedlings start sprouting. If you don't know how much water your plants need, check our How To Water Your Cannabis Plants guide.

1. Cleaning your tools

 Use only alcohol-based cleaner, never water or soap. Alcohol dries out the surface of the tool being cleaned, not allowing bacteria to reattach themselves. Use a clean rag or paper towel to dry off the tools after washing them. This prevents buildup of mold and fungus that can be hard to remove.

 2. Preventing bugs

 Bugs are attracted to plants with bright lights and high humidity. When using grow bulbs use clear plastic shields over the bulbs to prevent bugs from crawling into the light. If your room has excess moisture, consider installing a dehumidifier. Make sure your ventilation system is working properly.

 3. Avoiding heat stroke

 As cannabis grows, it uses up its energy reserves at a faster rate than other plants. Keep the air circulating and make sure the temperature does not rise too much, especially if there is no airflow around the plants.The following are some useful information that should help you to prevent many common diseases among your marijuana plants.

 1. Avoid direct sunlight and strong heat from lamps. If you have a warm room where you can keep your plants, this is ideal. But if not, make sure they are out of direct sun light and only exposed to dim light.

 2. Be careful when using pesticides and fertilizers. Many people use these to kill unwanted pests and weeds. However, overdoing it may result to killing your plants. Make sure to read instruction manuals before application. Always apply pesticides and fertilizers at night when temperatures are lower than expected.

 3. Most importantly, make sure that your plants receive proper nutrition to sustain their growth. A healthy cannabis plant requires ample amounts of moisture and nutrients. You can get a detailed guide about the right nutrients for growing weed here.