1. Bataray Island

Bataray Island is located off the coast of San Diego, California. It was first discovered in 1853 by Spanish explorers who called it Isla de los Albatreros (Island of bats). In 1775, the island was named after the albatrosses that were seen nesting there. Today, the island is used for military training and has been off-limits to the public since 1940.

2. Bataan Death March

The Bataan Death March was a forced march from April 9th to April 13th 1942, through the deserts of northern Luzon in the Philippines, under brutal Japanese occupation. This march became infamous for its brutality and resulted in the death of thousands of Filipino and American soldiers.

3. Black Rock Desert

Black Rock Desert is a large salt flat in Nevada, United States, located about 30 miles north of Reno. It is the largest natural desert in North America and covers approximately 1,600 square miles

1. Bataray Island
Bataray Island is located off the coast of the Philippines. It is home to the world's largest colony of little blue penguins. This island has been unnamed until now. There are only about 2,000 people who live here. They have no electricity and use solar panels to power their homes. Most of them are fishermen.
2. Mystery
The mystery begins from the fact that this island was once named after the Spanish word 'Batarra' meaning gravel or rock. But later on, they changed the name into something else. The reason for this change in name remains unknown. Some people believe that the name was changed because the island looks like a large gravel or rock. However, this theory cannot explain why the name was changed.
3. Blue Penguins
Blue penguins are birds that were first discovered in 1827 by the British naturalist John Latham. He named the bird after its color - blue. These birds can be found in many parts of the world including South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.

1. Bataray Island (Bataraio) is located off the coast of Brazil, south of Rio de Janeiro state, about 7 km from the city of São Sebastião do Paraíso. This small island has been under constant study since the early 1970s, when scientists began investigating its strange geology and biology. They found that the island was covered in a thick layer of black clay, and that this clay contained large amounts of organic material.
2. The island's black clay is composed mainly of carbonate minerals, but also contains significant amounts of iron oxide and manganese oxides. These materials are formed through a natural chemical reaction between seawater and volcanic rock.
3. Scientists have determined that the black clay is rich in humic acid, a type of organic matter that can be found in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In fact, the black clay contains up to 50% humic acid. Humic acid is a complex polymer of long chains of carbon atoms, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. It is similar to coal, except that humic acid is not fossilized. Instead, it is created by the decomposition of dead organisms.
4. Because of the island's unique composition, scientists have named it "Batarray." According to Brazilian scientist Dr. Roberto Dias, the name comes from the indigenous Tupi language. He says that Bataray means "black earth," while the suffix -ray indicates that the island is shaped like a ray.
5. The island's unusual characteristics were first discovered in 1971, when researchers observed that the black clay had a peculiar ability to absorb sunlight. This property led them to believe that the island may contain some sort of life-form.
6. Since then, scientists have conducted numerous studies on Bataray Island. Their research has shown that the black clay absorbs toxic chemicals and heavy metals, including arsenic, mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium, copper, nickel, zinc, silver, gold, uranium, and thorium.

1. Bataray Island
Bataray Island is a small island that lies off the coast of Australia. It has long been thought to have been the site of a mysterious ancient civilization. Some researchers believe that this is where the lost continent of Mu was located. There are many strange anomalies about this island, including its size, shape, and distance from land.
2. Lost Continent of Mu
The theory of a lost continent of Mu first surfaced in the early 1800s. A Scottish sailor named Captain James Cook mentioned something about a large unknown continent while sailing near New Guinea. In his writings, he speculated that the world may not be flat but rather shaped like two perfect spheres connected by a large sunken area. The continent of Mu would fit the description perfectly.
3. Ancient Ruins
Archaeologists and anthropologists have uncovered some remarkable evidence for the existence of these ruins. Researchers have unearthed numerous artifacts that they suggest were left behind after humans disappeared. These include stone tools, pottery, statues, and even entire buildings.

1. What do we know about Batay?
Batayan Island was once called by many names such as Bataan, Catanduanes, and La Isla de Batayan. According to records from 1671, the name Batayan came from the Spanish word meaning “the place where the fish are plentiful”. Another theory says that Batayan was named after the famous Filipino warrior General Antonio Luna who fought against Spain. He defeated the Spaniards twice in battle but lost his life in 1872 at the age of 60. Before he passed away, he left instructions that if ever the Philippines were to become independent, Batayan would be given to the first citizen of the country.
2. How did Batayan get its name?
In the early 1900s, American soldiers landed near the coast of Batayan Island (now known as San Miguel) and built Fort McKinley. In 1902, the Americans took over the fort, renamed it Fort Hughes, and used it as their headquarters until World War II. After the war ended, the fort became obsolete and was abandoned. Today, remnants of the old fort can still be seen along the shoreline.
3. Why is Batayan Island different from other islands?
The unique thing about this island is that it has no official name. The island is considered the largest island in the province of Catanduanes, while the rest have been officially named. This is why some people call the island Batayan, while others call it by other names such as San Miguel, Catanduanes or Los Baños.

A few years ago I was doing some research about batarey islands and found out that they are very rich in gold. After further investigation i have found its location and got to know that this place is located at chad's house and he has not visited this island since last two years.