1. Brazil - 2nd largest producer of coffee worldwide after Colombia.

 2. India - 1st largest producer of tea worldwide.

 3. China - 1st largest producer and exporter of tea worldwide.

 4. Vietnam - 4th largest producer of coffee worldwide.

 5. Indonesia - 5th largest producer of coffee in the world.

 6. Ethiopia - 7th largest producer of coffee.

1. United States

 The United States has the largest land mass of any country in the world. This means that they have a lot of room to grow their crops. They are known to be one of the biggest producers of cannabis in the world. There are many different strains of marijuana that come from this country. Some of these include; Northern Lights, Blueberry, and ChemDawg. These are just some of the common ones.

 2. Canada

 Canada is a huge country, covering over 9 million square miles. That’s about half the size of the United States. But what makes them stand out above the rest is the fact that they produce over 90% of the legal weed in the world. And it’s not just the weed that produces here, but other things like hemp, flax, and sunflowers.

 3. Australia

 Australia is known to have a large population of pot smokers. Inhabitants of this country love getting high on marijuana. Cannabis seeds can be imported into Australia, but local laws vary.

1. Australia

 Australia has been inhabited by humans since at least 40,000 BC. Aboriginal Australians were cultivating crops and domesticating animals much earlier than that. In fact, archaeological evidence suggests that they have lived in Australia for 60,000 years. However, the first known European settlers did not arrive until 1606.

 2. England

 The earliest English settlers in America arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. By 1620, only 100 people remained alive from the original settlement. This led to the first recorded death in American history due to starvation. Today, the US holds about 22% of the world’s total land area but only 5% of its population.

 3. France

 In 1763, Napoleon invaded Egypt and brought back some Egyptian artifacts. One of them was the Lascaux cave painting, which inspired him to build the Eiffel Tower. The word “Eiffel” means “iron bell” in French.

1. Canada

 Canada has been known to have some of the best weed in the world. There are many reasons why this is the case. One reason is that they have had marijuana legalized for a long time. They have been able to control how marijuana is grown and what goes into it. Another reason is that Canada grows some of the best hemp strains. This strain is different from regular marijuana and can contain higher amounts of CBD than other types of marijuana.

 2. Australia

 Australia has been known to have high quality weed. They have been able not only to regulate their market but also produce some great products like ice cream.

 3. Germany

 Germany has been known to have good weed. Many people don't know that Germany produces some of the highest quality marijuana in the world. Some say that Germany grows the best marijuana because of its rich history.