1. Wonoboyo hoard mystery

 The Wonobo hoard is a collection of over 1 million gold coins that was discovered in a cave in Wonobo, Japan. The hoard consists of Japanese coins from the late Heian period (794-1185) and early Kamakura period (1192-1333). The coins were buried in a wooden chest along with Buddhist sutras and other items. The exact reason behind this burial has been a mystery until now.

 2. The treasure's value

 The hoard contains many different types of coins, including some rare specimens like silver monju coins, copper koban coins, and even some Chinese coins. The total weight of the coins in the hoard exceeds 2kg. The total value of the coins in the Wonobo hoard is estimated at $30 million dollars.

 3. Who buried the treasure?

 There are several theories about who might have buried the hoard. One theory suggests that the hoard was buried by a monk named Kukai. Kukai was a Japanese Buddhist priest who founded the Shingon sect of Buddhism. He traveled around Asia and established temples in China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Tibet, Mongolia, and India. Some believe that he may have hidden the hoard somewhere in order to finance his travels.

       1. Wonoboyo hoard mystery

 The Wonobo hoard was discovered in a cave near the village of Wonobo, South Korea in 1995. It consists of over 1,000 pieces of gold jewelry that were unearthed from a single burial site. The discovery of this hoard has been described as the greatest find of its kind since the reign of Alexander the Great.

 2. Gold

 Gold is a precious metal that is highly sought after among miners around the world. Gold is used to make coins, jewellery, and other decorative items. In the past, people believed that if they had enough gold then their life would go well.

 3. Jewelry

 Jewelry is a collection of valuable metals and stones used to create ornamental objects. They are usually worn on the body, but some jewelry can be placed inside the home as interior decor.


       1. Wonoboyo hoard mystery

 The Wonobo hoard is a collection of over 100,000 gold coins that were discovered in a cave near Wonobo, Japan. They are thought to have been buried around AD 710-715. The exact purpose of this hoard remains unknown. Some believe they could have been used as payment for Buddhist monks who had traveled from China. Others think they may have been left behind by a visiting army. Still others speculate that the hoard was simply a collection of gold coins that belonged to a wealthy individual.

 2. The mysterious hoard

 The coins themselves are not particularly valuable. In fact, many of them are quite old and worn out. What makes the hoard interesting is its size and how it was hidden away. The coins were apparently placed inside of clay pots, then those pots were covered with dirt, and finally the whole thing was buried under a large rock. This means that the treasure hunters would have needed to dig down through several feet of earth before finding anything.

 3. Who hid the hoard?

 There are two theories about who might have hidden the hoard. One theory suggests that the coins were buried by a traveling monk named Kukai. He supposedly visited the area in the late 11th century and became fascinated by the wealth he saw. He returned home and decided to hide his discovery in order to avoid any conflict with the local people. Another theory suggests that the hoard was created by a Japanese nobleman named Fujiwara no Kamatari. He supposedly died around AD 710 and left behind a great deal of money. His family members decided to bury his fortune rather than spend it.

      1. Wonoboyo hoard mystery

 The Wonobo hoard mystery was a series of archaeological finds that occurred in the late 19th century in what is now known as Wonobo National Park in Indonesia. The site consisted of hundreds of stone jars containing human remains, animal bones, pottery, and other artifacts. The discovery of these objects has led to much debate among archaeologists and anthropologists about their age and purpose. Some believe they were left behind intentionally, while others think they were discarded by accident.

 2. Hoarders

 Hoards are large collections of items kept together for some reason. They can be used for many different purposes, including storage, trade, and even religious rituals. Hoards have been discovered around the world, but the majority of them come from North America.

 3. Mystery

 Mystery hoarding is a term coined by Dr. John E. Eddy Jr., who first described this disorder in his book “Hoarding” (Eddy, 2007). He defined mystery hoarding as a collection of items that cannot be explained by any rational means. This type of hoarding may involve anything from everyday household items to valuable antiques.