Sunday is the day that we have to rest from work. We can't do anything on this day. But what if we could? What if we had to work on Saturday instead? This would make us happy right? Well, I think that's not true. Why? Because we are used to working on Sundays. And we are not used to doing something else. So, I think that Sunday should be left out of our country.

1. Because we are lazy

 2. We don't want to work on Monday

 3. We like Sundays

 4. We have no other day off

 5. We have a lot of free time

 6. We can go out without having to worry about anything

7. Because we are not allowed to work on Sundays.

 8. We have no other choice but to rest.

 9. We don't want to work on Sundays. We like to spend time with family and friends.

 10. We need to take care of our health.

 11. We believe that God created us on Sunday.

 12. We believe that God wants us to rest on Sunday.

Sunday is the day that we have been given to rest from work. We are not supposed to do anything but sleep. This is the reason why Sundays are called “leaves” in our country. But what if I told you that this day can actually help your business? In this video, we will discuss how Sundays can benefit your business.

 How To Use Your Sunday As A Business Day

Sunday is the day that we are free from work. We can do whatever we want, whenever we want. But this freedom comes at a price. In our country, Sundays are considered as a day off, but not in other countries. In some places, people have to go back to work after their weekend. This video explains why Sunday is leave in our county.

1. Because we are not allowed to work on Sundays!

 2. We have no other day off.

 3. If we don't work on Sundays, we won't get paid.

 4. We can't afford to take time off.

 5. We need to make money to pay bills.

 6. We can't afford not to work.

 1. Yes, we have a national holiday called "Sunday".

 2. No, we don't have any national holidays.

 3. We celebrate both Christian and Muslim festivals.

 4. There are no national holidays in India.

 5. In India, people do not celebrate their birthdays.

 6. People celebrate Christmas on December 25th.