Marjuana is the common name given to the Cannabis sativa species of hemp plant. This particular strain was cultivated over thousands of years ago in Central Asia and has been grown since then. Today, marijauna is known to have many medical benefits but can also be used recreationally.

Marjuana is a type of cannabis that has been grown for thousands of years. Its history dates back to the Mayans who used it for medicinal purposes to treat conditions such as glaucoma, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and even asthma. In fact, they would use this herb in combination with other herbs to create what we know today as weed.

 Today, Marjuana is still used around the world for its therapeutic properties and can be found in various forms including tea, butter, oil, and brownies.

Marjuana is a genus of flowering plants native to Central America. There are two species of marjuana that have been cultivated for their psychoactive properties. These include Cannabis sativa L., commonly referred to as marijuana, and Cannabis indica Lam. (syn. C. ruderalis).

 The botanical name of marijauna comes from the Greek word kannabis meaning hemp. Hemp was used for making rope, clothing, paper, food, medicine, and other products. In ancient times, marihuana was used as a recreational drug. Today, marihuana is still widely used recreationally, but many people use it medicinally.

 Cannabis sativa is the most common variety grown today. This type of marihuana contains high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical responsible for producing a euphoric feeling. When smoked, this form of marihuana produces a relaxed, stoned state of mind.

 Cannabis indica is less popular than Cannabis sativa. It has a higher concentration of CBD (cannabidiol) than THC. CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce a “high” effect. However, it can still provide medicinal benefits.

Marjuana is a flowering plant that grows from the hemp family. Cannabis sativa L., native to Central Asia, has been used for fiber, oil, seed, food, medicinal, and recreational purposes throughout its history. Today, marihuana is grown across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia.

  Marjuana is a genus of flowering plants native to Central America, Mexico, and northern South America. Cannabis sativa L., commonly known as marijuana, hemp, pot, weed, or grass, is the only species in this genus that has been cultivated for psychoactive purposes.

   Marjuana is the common name for Cannabis sativa L., a species of flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is native to Central Asia and Southwest China. The genus Cannabis has two other species that are used for industrial purposes: C. indica and C. ruderalis.

 The word marihuana comes from the Spanish marihuana, meaning “the hemp plant”. In English, the term marijuana was first used in reference to the Indian Hemp Drug Act (1935) and its prohibition under the United States Controlled Substances Act.

 Cannabis sativa is a dioecious annual herbaceous plant that grows between 1.5-4 meters tall. Its leaves are alternate, simple, lanceolate, and entire. The flowers are small and greenish yellow, produced in dense clusters at the top of the stem. The calyx is five lobed while the corolla is funnel shaped. The fruit is a capsule containing many seeds.