1. Human Body is composed of approximately 50% water.

 2. The volume of blood in your body is about 5 litres. If we count each red blood cell that contains 4 liters of blood, then we can say that you have about 250 million cells.

 3. When you sneeze, you produce enough force to propel a tennis ball at 100 miles per hour. That's about 1/4 of the speed of sound!

 4. The average adult has about 2 meters long intestine. The length of small intestines are about 2 meters while large intestines are about 10 meters in length.

 5. Your heart beats over 300 times a minute but only pumps about five liters of blood through your body in one minute.

 6. You lose about 0.7 kg (about 1.5 pounds) of water from your body daily. This is equal to about two glasses of water.

1. Human Body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

 2. Human heart beats at about 72-100 times per minute.

 3. A newborn baby has over 100 bones in his/her body.

 4. Your brain weighs three pounds and contains approximately 10% of your total body weight.

 5. You are born with about 5 liters blood volume.

 6. Each day, your body produces around 1 liter of urine.

1. Human Body is composed of three different parts, namely the brain, heart and lungs. These are the organs that control the other organ functions.

 2. Weight of the average person is about sixty five kg.

 3. A person's height can range from 1.5 metres to 2.1 meters.

 4. Your blood contains about four litres of blood plasma (the liquid portion).

 5. There are about two hundred million red blood cells in each millilitre of blood.

 6. Blood flows at a rate of approximately eight litres per minute.

1. The average adult male has about 2 million sperm per milliliter of semen. This is called ejaculation volume.

 2. If women have an orgasm, they can have between two hundred thousand to eight millions eggs released from their ovaries.

 3. When we are born, our brain contains approximately 1/10th of its total weight. By age five, this figure increases to 1/5th and at puberty reaches 60% of its final size.

 4. A newborn baby's body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37°C). After three months, that number drops to 99.8 degrees F (36.7°C) and then rises again after six months to 100.4 degrees F (38°C).

 5. In humans, the length of the intestines is about 30 feet long.

 6. Your lungs can hold only 20 cubic inches of air.

1. Your brain has a memory capacity of approximatively 100 gigabytes. This means that if you were to store the entire Library of Congress in your head, you could still have room left over.

 2. You can hear sounds in frequencies higher than 20 kilohertz (KHz). Our ears are not sensitive at those high pitches, but dogs can hear them clearly.

 3. Every 1 out of every 4 people has had their DNA sequenced.

 4. If you put a penny in a blender or coffee grinder, it will eventually come out.

 5. The average person sweats about two gallons of water per day. That's about 100 ounces at 6 pounds per gallon!

 6. A single strand of hair weighs somewhere between 0.0003 grams and 0.002 grams.