1. Humans have existed for at least 200,000 years

 2. We evolved from apes that lived in Africa around 6 million years ago

 3. Our genus name is Hominidae meaning “human animal”

 4. Australopithecus afarensis (A. Afarensis) means “southern ape from Afar” (Africa)

 5. Homo habilis (H. Habilis) means “skillful man”

 6. Homo erectus (H. Erectus) means “upright man”

1. Scientists are amazed at how much water is needed to make 1 cup of coffee. A single teaspoon of ground coffee beans requires about 20 gallons of water to produce. That's enough water to fill a swimming pool only three inches deep!

 2. In order to keep your body from breaking down muscle tissue after death, you need protein. Your muscles begin to decompose almost immediately after you die, but if they don't have any protein, then they start to rot away. This means that you want to eat lots of high-protein foods before you die. (Eating too many carbs can actually cause your body to break down muscle tissue.)

 3. You probably know that alcohol is made out of fermented grains like barley and grapes, but did you know that humans first discovered how to ferment their own booze? The ancient Chinese were brewing beer in 2700 BC, and by 1500 BC, Egyptians had started making wine.

 4. Humans have been smoking tobacco since prehistoric times. The earliest evidence was uncovered in Turkey where charred remains of the plant were found in the form of pipes dating back to 8000 BC.

 5. The average American woman drinks nearly two gallons of milk per year. That's over 30 bottles of milk a month!!

 6. Most people are familiar with the phrase 'too cold to freeze', but what about 'too hot to fry'? The answer is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything hotter than this and you're cooking your food instead of frying it.


   1. Humans have been smoking marijuana since ancient times. In fact, the earliest known evidence of marijuana use dates back to 8,200 years ago where hemp rope was discovered in China. People have used cannabis as medicine, food, and even to make clothes.

 2. Cannabis contains a chemical called Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When people smoke weed they usually don't realize that THC is responsible for any high feeling that they get. This means that THC is what makes people feel high, not the munchies that we get from eating pot.

 3. Hemp seeds are very nutritious and can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. If you want to try them then you should eat about 50 grams. Chances are though that you won't even need 50 grams! And if you do happen to eat this much then just wait until your next period and see if you get cramps. That's how I know that I didn't consume enough.

 4. You may find it hard to believe but yes, marijuana does cure cancer. Medical professionals come together at conferences like the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to share their findings. They have looked into marijuana's ability to kill cancer cells and have concluded that while THC kills cancer cells, CBD helps reduce side effects.

 5. Marijuana has proven to be effective in relieving pain and nausea. There is some evidence that it can be used to treat multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, arthritis, asthma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's disease, psychosis, schizophrenia, muscle spasms, and even acne.

 6. Smoking pot is bad for you. Not only does it contain carcinogens, but it lowers your body's absorption rate of many other drugs. So, if you're planning on taking prescription medication then you should probably skip smoking weed.

  1. We can burp in space!

 The human body produces carbon dioxide (CO2) when our lungs breathe out. This gas is what gives us that characteristic breathy voice. In fact, scientists have discovered that astronauts' bodies produce about 50% more CO2 than they do on Earth. They believe this is due to the lack of air pressure and gravity.

 2. We can burp without using our stomachs.

 When we burp, the muscles in our chest contract, causing them to push out the contents of our stomach through the esophagus. However, some people are able to burp without actually swallowing anything at all. Researchers don't know how they're doing it, but they suspect that it has something to do with the diaphragm muscle.

 3. We can burp while sleeping.

 If you've ever woken up feeling like you just need to burp, then you may not have realized that you were actually asleep and had burped. Studies show that we often burp while dreaming. Scientists aren't sure whether we dream about burping or if we actually experience ourselves burping. Either way, it's clear that we love to burp!