1. Breast Milk Is Not Necessary For A Healthy Baby

 Breast milk is not necessary for a healthy baby. There are many other ways that babies can get their nutrition without having to consume breast milk. Babies who are exclusively breastfed have lower rates of ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, and gastrointestinal illnesses than those who are fed formula. They also tend to weigh less at birth and have better cognitive abilities later on.

 2. Breastfeeding Has No Effect On Mother's Weight

 Mothers who breastfeed do not gain any weight from breastfeeding. This myth has been around since the early 1900s. In fact, mothers who breastfeed lose weight due to the calories they burn while nursing. If anything, breastfeeding helps women maintain their weight after pregnancy.

 3. Breastmilk Contains More Calories Than Formula

 This is another common misconception. While breastmilk does contain more calories than formula, this is only true if the mother consumes more calories than she burns. Most women who breastfeed consume fewer calories than what they expend through exercise and normal daily activities.

4. Breast Milk Is Not Necessary To A Healthy Baby

 Breast milk is not necessary to a healthy baby. There are many other foods that can provide the same nutrition as breast milk. In fact, some babies do just fine without breast milk at all.

 5. Breastfeeding Makes Babies Smarter

 This myth has been around for quite some time. However, studies have shown that breastfeeding does not make babies smarter. This is simply untrue.

 6. Breastfeeding Makes Mothers Stronger

 The truth is that breastfeeding makes mothers stronger. They get stronger from the extra work they put into nursing their child.

7. Breast Milk Is Not Necessary To A Healthy Baby

 Breast milk is not necessary to a healthy baby. There are many other foods that can provide the same nutrition as breast milk. In fact, some babies do just fine without breast milk at all.

 8. Breastfeeding Makes Babies Smarter

 This myth has been around for quite some time. However, studies have shown that breastfeeding does not make babies smarter. This is simply untrue.

 9. Breastfeeding Makes Mothers Stronger

 The truth is that breastfeeding makes mothers stronger. They get stronger from the extra work they put into nursing their child.

10. Breast Milk Is More Nutritious Than Formula

 Breast milk contains higher levels of iron, zinc, vitamin A, protein, fat-soluble vitamins, and other nutrients than formula. However, this does not mean that breastfed babies are healthier than those fed formula. In fact, studies have shown that breastfed babies may actually be at risk for certain health problems.

 11. Breastfeeding Protects Against SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

 There is no evidence that breastfeeding protects against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Studies show that infants who died from SIDS were more likely to have been bottle-fed rather than breastfed. This suggests that factors other than nutrition play a role in SIDS.

 12. Breastfeeding Leads To Longer Life Expectancy

 The World Health Organization has stated that breastfeeding can lead to longer life expectancy. Breastfed children tend to live longer than their non-breastfed counterparts. However, the WHO did not state that breastfeeding leads to a longer lifespan.

1. Breast Milk Is Not Necessary To Grow A Healthy Child

 Breast milk is not necessary to grow a healthy child. There are many other ways that can help your baby get the nutrition they need, including breastfeeding, formula, and food. If you choose to breastfeed, make sure that you are doing it right. You should have at least 20 minutes of skin-to-skin contact per hour while you nurse. This helps your baby's body temperature stay constant and promotes bonding between mother and child.

 2. Breastfeeding Should Be Done In Private

 It is perfectly fine to breastfeed in public. However, if someone asks you to stop, do so immediately. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed.

 3. Breastfed Babies Are More Intelligent

 There has been no scientific evidence to prove this claim. Studies show that babies who were breastfed had higher IQs than those who weren't.