1. Marijuana can cure cancer

 Marijuana has been used medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, marijuana was one of the first drugs ever discovered and it’s believed that the earliest known written documentation regarding its medicinal use dates back over 5000 years ago. There are many different strains of marijuana and each strain has its own therapeutic properties, but they all have one thing in common – they’re not going to cure cancer!

 2. Smoking pot makes you stupid

 This myth actually comes from a time before we knew anything about THC and CBD, when people would smoke weed just for the “high” alone. High doses of THC do make you feel like you’re smarter than usual, but smoking too much of it can cause paranoia and even hallucinations. People who think this way might find themselves having trouble holding down jobs or paying attention in school.

 3. You can overdose on marijuana

 You may have heard of someone taking too much weed and then dying, but usually these stories aren’t true. While it is possible to overdose on THC (the active ingredient in marijuana), it takes at least 10 times the recommended dose to kill an adult human being. Even if you did somehow manage to OD on THC, your body would still produce enough enzymes to break it down into inactive compounds.

   1. Cannabis has no medical benefits

 Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, it was one of the first medicines known to man. There are many reasons why cannabis has been used throughout history to treat ailments. Some people believe that cannabis should not be legal due to its association with recreational use; however, this is simply not true. Medical marijuana can help patients suffering from chronic pain, nausea, glaucoma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and much more.

 2. Smoking weed makes you stupid

 Smoking pot does not make you dumb. This myth comes from the idea that marijuana affects your short-term memory. However, research shows that smoking pot actually helps improve your long-term memory. Also, studies show that THC may even have positive effects on your brain’s ability to learn.

 3. You cannot overdose on weed

 This is another common misconception about cannabis. Many think that they can overdose if they consume too much of it. However, this is not true. Studies show that the lethal dose of THC is around 15 grams. That means that if you were to smoke 15 joints, you would die.

  1. Cannabis has been around since prehistoric times.

 Cannabis was first cultivated in ancient China and India over 5,000 years ago. In fact, archaeologists have discovered that hemp seeds were used as food by humans in Neolithic Europe.

 2. Marijuana is derived from hemp.

 Marijuana is not actually derived from hemp; rather, it's derived from the female flowers of the cannabis plant. Hemp is often confused with marijuana, but they are two different types of plants.

 3. Smoking pot makes you stupid.

 Smoking pot does not make you stupid. However, smoking too much can cause memory loss and other mental health issues.