1. Corporations are not interested in your health. They only care about their bottom line. So they don't want you to know how to make your own oil. They want you dependent on them.

 2. Corporations have no interest in making products that actually work. That's why they spend millions trying to get people addicted to prescription drugs.

 3. Corporations lie to us. They tell us that GMO foods are safe, but we now know that GMOs cause organ failure and cancer.

 4. Corporations poison our food supply. We've seen this time after time. If you look at the ingredients list, you'll find that almost everything has been chemically altered from its original form.

 5. Corporations control what you can buy. If you want to eat organic, you better shop at Whole Foods Market. If you want to buy local, you better go to your farmer's market. But if you want to avoid pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers, then you're outta luck. You can't even buy those things anymore.

 6. Corporations are evil. They don't give a damn about you. All they care about is money. And they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

7. The first thing that comes to mind when we think about cannabis oil is THC. But what if I told you that CBD has been shown to have many medicinal benefits? In fact, cannabidiol (CBD) is being used as a treatment for children who suffer from epilepsy. And CBD may become a popular alternative to pharmaceutical drugs due to its lack of side effects and high effectiveness at treating conditions like anxiety and depression.

 8. Cannabis oil can be extracted from both hemp and marijuana plants. While marijuana-derived extracts are illegal in some states, they are becoming increasingly common in food products, beverages, pet treats, creams, lotions, and even clothing. However, not much scientific research exists regarding the long-term effects of these products on human health.

 9. Hemp oil contains only trace amounts of THC, but it still contains CBD. Because it’s legal in all 50 states, hemp oil is perfect for those seeking natural remedies for pain relief, stress reduction, sleep improvement, and other ailments.

 10. Marijuana oil is highly concentrated and can contain anywhere between 10% and 20% THC. This makes it ideal for patients looking to treat chronic pain, PTSD, and other disorders where higher doses of THC are needed.

 11. Both hemp and marijuana oil are great sources of omega fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. They're two different strains of the same species, so they both offer similar nutritional profiles.

12. Most people don't realize how healthy hemp oil is. There are over 100 phytonutrients present in hemp seed oil, including lignans, flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabinoids. These powerful compounds provide strong antioxidant properties.

1. Corporations are not interested in native oil production. They only care about profit. Native oil production is a way to save money. Corporations have no interest in saving money. They want to make money.

 2. Corporations use chemicals that destroy the environment and cause cancer. Chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc., are used to control weeds, bugs, fungus, etc. These chemicals are toxic to humans and animals.

 3. Corporations use chemicals to produce their products. This causes pollution. Pollution destroys the environment and harms people.

 4. Corporations do not care about the health of their workers. Their workers are treated like machines. Workers are forced to work long hours under dangerous conditions.

 5. Corporations do not give back to the community. They take from the community without giving anything in return.

 6. Corporations do not respect the land. Land is destroyed to build factories and warehouses. Land is polluted. People get sick. Animals die.

1. Corporations are not interested in native oil production. They only care about profit. Native oil production is a way to save money. Corporations have no interest in saving money. They want to make money.

 2. Corporations use chemicals that destroy the environment and cause cancer. Chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc., are used to control weeds, bugs, fungus, etc. These chemicals are toxic to humans and animals.

 3. Corporations use chemicals to produce their products. This causes pollution. Pollution destroys the environment and harms people.

 4. Corporations do not care about the health of their workers. Their workers are treated like machines. Workers are forced to work long hours under dangerous conditions.

 5. Corporations do not give back to the community. They take from the community without giving anything in return.

 6. Corporations do not respect the land. Land is destroyed to build factories and warehouses. Land is polluted. People get sick. Animals die.