1. Exercise

 Exercise is a great way to start your day. Not only does exercise help you get rid of stress, but it also helps you sleep better at night. A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews states that exercising before bedtime can improve your quality of sleep.

 2. Drink Coffee

 Coffee has been proven to have many health benefits including reducing anxiety and depression. In fact, drinking coffee before going to bed has been proven to improve the quality of your sleep.

 3. Meditate

 Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and relax. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress levels both mentally and physically. If you are looking for a good meditation app, try this free

app called Headspace.

1. Do not smoke weed before breakfast!

 This is the best time to eat your food, especially if you are hungry. If you get stoned first thing in the morning, you’ll probably end up eating junk food instead of healthy foods. You’re better off having a bowl of cereal or some toast than smoking a blunt or joint.

 2. Have a cup of coffee

 Coffee helps wake you up and gives you that extra boost of energy. It can help you focus and concentrate throughout the day. So don't skip out on your daily dose of java.

 3. Take a shower.

 When you take a hot shower, it wakes you up and gets rid of any toxins from the night before. Showering also helps clear your mind and relaxes you.

1. Wake Up Early

 Waking up early in the morning can have many benefits for your health, but it’s especially good for your cannabis. By waking up before the sun rises, you will avoid the intense heat that comes at sunrise. This way you won’t need to worry about burning yourself while lighting up. You can also get some much-needed rest without having to deal with the stress of going to bed too late.

 2. Drink Water

 Drinking water helps keep your body hydrated, making you feel relaxed and ready to take on anything life may throw your way. If you are feeling stressed out or anxious, adding some water to your system could help relieve those feelings.

 3. Exercise

 Exercise is great for everyone, but it's even better for people who use marijuana. When you exercise, you release endorphins into your brain. These chemicals make you happy and give you a sense of well being. They also reduce stress levels and improve mood.

1. Drink some water! (I recommend coconut water.)

 Coconut water has been recently getting a lot of attention, but that's not the only reason why I love this beverage. I am sure many of us have experienced the feeling of being dehydrated or even having headaches after waking up with no water. Coconut water can help prevent this from happening! It is full of electrolytes like sodium and potassium and it helps rehydrate your body. A cup of coconut water before you start your day is a great way to wake yourself up, get going, and feel good.

 2. Take a shower!

 Another easy way to get a jumpstart on your day is to take a nice warm shower. Not only does it make you feel clean and refreshed, but it wakes up your body's thermoregulation system and regulates your internal temperature. Get ready for a better day - just remember to drink plenty of water while you're at it!

 3. Meditate!

 Meditation is actually the best way to clear your mind and prepare yourself for a productive day ahead. When you are done meditating, you will feel much calmer and relaxed, which will allow you to deal with any stress that may arise throughout the course of your day. Try doing a meditation technique to help center yourself, focus, and calm down in order to maximize your productivity.

I can't believe I forgot to add this video in my first top 3 list. This was literally one of those random things that popped into my head while I was recording these videos. That being said, if you're looking for some inspiration, here are the best things to do in the morning!

 1. Do a little workout

 You don't need weights to burn some calories. There are other workouts that can get your heart pumping, like doing jumping jacks or push-ups. If you haven't started working out yet, try to start off easy with some simple movements. A good idea would be to work out at home before going outside. You'll have the place all to yourself, there won't be any distractions and you'll avoid the social aspect of going to the gym.

 2. Take a shower

 If you've been training hard and sweating like crazy, take a hot shower to relax and refresh. A quick 10 minute shower can help you feel less tired and relaxed, but make sure you use enough product to really wash the sweat away. We recommend our Argan Oil Shower Cream, but other similar products from Nivea or L'Oreal will work just fine.

 3. Wake up early and go for a walk